This morning I visited the Oriental Ward for my church meetings.  The President had 2 other meetings in far flung places in the mission, so he dropped me off on his way.

It is very common when wards share a building for one ward's meetings to begin at 8AM, which was the case this morning.

I didn't realize that I would get to see Edgar today, until he walked in with his little girl.

Edgar is a young, divorced father with a 5 year old daughter.  I had met him a couple of weeks ago with the missionaries who had been teaching him.  The missionaries told me what a great person and devoted father he was.  Edgar was warm, enthusiastic and excited about his baptism and confirmation.

So, this was Edgar's ward!  And I was going to be able to witness his confirmation!

After the opening song and prayer, the Bishop had Edgar stand and announced that his baptism that had taken place a week ago.  Then, he invited Edgar and his daughter to come sit on the stand - so that everybody could see him well and get to know him as a new ward member.  Then a few minutes later, he was confirmed a member of the church by a priesthood holder from the ward.  It was so sweet!

After the ordinance of the sacrament was completed, it was time for the testimony meeting to begin.
(If you have never attended a meeting like this is Mexico, you need to understand that as soon as the Bishop announces that it is time for the sharing of testimonies, people from the congregation start coming up and sitting on the first two rows of the stand to wait their turn to share their testimonies.  It is so great!)  So several young adult-aged ward members came up to wait their turn and sat next to and behind Edgar and his daughter.  Every person who came up to wait shook hands with Edgar, patted him on the back and greeted him warmly.  After a couple of people shared their testimonies, Edgar stood to share his testimony.  Although I couldn't understand all that he said, I saw in his countenance, the joy and peace he was feeling.  When he concluded, he took his place back in "testimony row" and listened as the rest of the hour was filled with testimony after testimony - most from young adults his own age.

I know one of the other young adults who bore her testimony talked about being the only member of her family and how her family questioned her about how could she get up so early and go to church  at 8 AM (!) on a Sunday morning.  They almost couldn't believe it!  Imagine all those people, of
all ages, all dressed in their Sunday best, at church, worshipping together at 8AM on a Sunday morning!  Incredible.  Where else in the world would you find such a thing??

After the meeting ended, I too, greeted Edgar, "Felicitaciones!", I said, and then greeted his daughter with a hug and a kiss, which is customary here.

What joy, to see a fellow brother "Come Unto Christ through Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost" with his brothers and sisters in the gospel supporting and loving him all along the way.
If I were a new convert, I certainly would want a ward family just like this one!

********************************VIVA MEXICO***********************************
These are costumed Aztec dancers performing at the "Zocalo" in downtown Mexico City.

 Pictured behind me, below,  is what remains of the Templo Mayor, a UNESCO World Heritage site, located in downtown Mexico City.  You can tour what is left of this temple, which was one of the main temples of the Aztecs founded in 1325.  This was the capital of the Aztec empire until it was captured by the Spanish in 1521.

It is very common here to see a shop that makes fresh tortillas daily (very popular about 2PM, when the largest meal of the day,"comida", is held) next to a store selling hot rotisserie chickens.  So you buy a 1/2 kilo of fresh corn tortillas, a hot chicken and you have a great lunch!



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