
Showing posts from August 20, 2017


OH, HERMANOS, ADIOS, PUES, ADIOS! This week we said "adios" to 12 elders that we have only known for 7 weeks.  I had no idea how much we would grow to love them in such a short period of time!  I wept at the airport as each one left us. We had a departing dinner and testimony meeting in our home before they left.  It was interesting looking at the painting in our living room of Jesus Christ and his we sat with our 12 departing missionaries and heard their sincere and heartfelt testimonies.  I thought of these 12 young men, only in their early 20's,  each of which has given two year of their lives, and now would continue to be disciples of Jesus Christ for the rest of their lives.  I was proud of them...and humbled by the charge that each of us have - to continue to grow in our own discipleship throughout our lives. The Spanish hymnbook has a hymn that is not in the English version - which we sang together in closing.  The words ar...