
Showing posts from April 29, 2018


In our mission we have lots of duplicate surnames.  In fact, right now, I am pretty sure we have 5 missionaries with the last name "Lopez".  So, when we get duplicates we always have to add where they are from - so we can keep everybody straight.  So, today, I want to tell you about Elder Lopez - from Alcapulco. Elder Lopez's family convertedto the church so time ago.    It seems the missionaries knocked on their door - actually they were looking for another address, but their family listened to their message and joined the church.  ("Teach when you find; find when you teach") He has siblings and a niece and nephew that have already served missions. I knew there was something different about him the first day he arrived here.  During our orientation of all new missionaries, he was attentive and smiled encouragingly as I gave my part of the presentation.  Usually new missionaries are quite anxious and nervous about everything on that first day...