In our very first phone call with the mission presidents (President and Sister Stutznegger) we were to replace nearly three years ago, they said "senior couples are 'manna from heaven'".  They had been blessed with a senior couple the second half of their mission and told us how they had been an incredible asset to them personally, the missionaries and the mission. 

We heard them loud and clear!  We prayed!  We called the Senior Missionary Department! We were very motivated to do all we could to invite every one of our friends and acquaintances that might serve with us to join us here in Mexico City Southeast.  Ultimately, even after all our valiant efforts, none were able to serve at that time. 

But, we were blessed!
We learned shortly before arriving here that a senior couple had been called and accepted the assignment to serve with us!  Elder Gary and Sister Carmen Carollo proceeded us by one week!  They were, and are truly "manna from heaven"!  Both had served missions in Mexico, spoke Spanish and had willing hands and hearts!  They welcomed us here to the mission and served loyally for 18 months.  They were like another set of parents or grandparents to all the missionaries.  They loved them!  Elder and Sister Carollo were our office couple and handled everything from finances, to visas, to food poisoning, to lost packages --  but mostly dosed out love to all of us!  They always were part of the team to welcome new missionaries to the mission and frequently gave presentations at zone conference.  Their testimonies were spoken and shown.  They are beloved by all.  They became our dear friends, with a friendship that continues today.  We love them dearly!

Anticipating the end of their mission, we went to work again to find another senior couple to work with us when the Carollo's left.  We prayed!  We talked to all our friends again!  We called the Senior Mission Department many, many, many times again...but ultimately none were able to serve.

But we were blessed again!

A local couple in one of our stakes had decided to full a senior mission.  Incredible!  Elder Juan Carlos Ramirez and Sister Veronica Ramirez both had careers, but wanted to work and serve with the missionaries part-time.  They lived in their home and served the mission continually.  Elder Ramirez handled all the apartment needs and Sister Ramirez helped in the office and is a medical doctor, so she handled all the medical needs of the missionaries who spoke Spanish.  Again, they were "manna from heaven".  All the missionaries loved them!  They trained the missionaries in nearly every zone conference and always completed their training with their fervent testimonies of the gospel. They served nearly 2 years with us...and will continue to serve during the transition to the next presidents of this mission.  They, and their children and grandchildren, became our friends, forever.  We love them dearly.

What a great piece of advice the Stutznegger's gave us!  Muchisimas Gracias!!!


  1. Que gratos recuerdos!!!
    Muchas gracias por dejarnos servir a su lado, lo disfrutamos y aprendimos mucho de ustedes.
    Nuestra misión aún continua apoyando a la hermana y presidente Sifuentes, también grandes hijos de Nuestro Padre Celestial. Les amamos y esperamos pronto su llegada a México


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