Let me introduce you to President Quinoes, one of our branch presidents here in our mission.  In July, this branch was allowed to have a House of Prayer, and this is the photo we took when he was given the keys to the building.  It was a glorious day!

But, life is fragile.  We were reminded of that again.

Sadly, a week ago Sunday,  President Quinoes had a heart attack and died in the early afternoon.  What a shock!  We had just been with him a few weeks earlier, celebrating the growth of this branch!
And now this beautiful House of Prayer would be the place where the first funeral---his funeral, would be held.  I learned that---

                                             "Sweet is the peace the Gospel brings!"
As this is the only funeral we have been intimately involved with here, I thought I'd tell you our experience.

When a person dies, a funeral home picks up the body at the hospital, or wherever, and takes it to where the body will be prepared for the "wake".  In our case, the body, and casket, were brought immediately to the chapel.  This good brother passed away Sunday afternoon, and by Sunday evening the body and casket were at the chapel.  (As far as I can tell there is no embalming here, and so the body has to be buried within 24 hours.)

 People gathered at the chapel starting at 8:30 PM.  Lots of, friends, children, babies, ward members, neighbors gathered.  They mortician prepares the body for viewing right there in a classroom near the chapel.  By about 10:00 PM, individual family members are allowed to view the body, and say their good-byes privately in that classroom.  Bear in mind, this good brother only died hours ago (with no warning)...and by 10:00 PM, his wife, children, mother, brothers, sisters, grandchildren are saying good-bye.  It is just incredible.

"Each life that touches ours for good,
Reflects thine own great mercy, Lord;
Thou sendest blessings from above
Thru words and deeds of those who love."

By ll:00, the family members have said good-bye and had a family prayer, then the casket is brought into the chapel and the program begins.  The casket portion over the head and upper chest on the body has a glass covering, so all people can view him.

There are 3 main speakers at the funeral - and then an open "mic" section where anyone can share comments. I don't understand a lot - but I do hear frequent reference to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation and the temple. (The funeral is unusually long, and goes on until 1:30AM)  The songs sung at the funeral were "Nearer my God to Thee", "Come, Come ye Saints" and "I Need Thee Every Hour". At one point, his wife, and 4 very close friends, stand in a semi-circle facing the body and sing "Master, the Tempest is Raging" to him.

Interesting note,  people come dressed how they are.  Many came from church meetings so they have Sunday clothes on.  The wife, who has been up since 4:00AM is dressed just as she started that morning....normally, this sister is groomed beautifully, but she attends all in her very humble way - just as she looked at 4am.  There is no dress code here - no pride - only sorrow - and hope.

People bring food to the funeral and put it in the kitchen of the chapel.  People can go in and get a "pancita" (a roll, or cookie) and a cup of hot herbal tea at any time.  The chapel, though small, is full, and many people are standing at the door to listen.  Various people come in, now and again, and bring floral arrangements and walk up and set them by near the casket in the chapel.  It is much more informal than I am used to, but very reverent, very sacred, very heartfelt.

"When such a friend from us departs,
We hold forever in our hearts
A sweet and hallowed memory,
Bringing us nearer Lord, to thee."

When the funeral ends at 1:30AM, helpers bring in trays of "pancita", and pitchers of hot herbal tea.   The congregation eats, visits, hugs, views the body and says their "good-byes" to him.

Most people go home at this point, but several friends and family friends stay all night in the chapel with the body: the body is attended and never left alone.

At 11:00 AM,  the next morning, most everyone comes back to the chapel.  In this case, there is another devotional of 2 hours, where people share their thoughts about the man. (This isn't always the case, but this man was beloved - the branch president and had lived in this community for years.)

After the devotional, the body is taken to a local cemetery and buried. (We did not attend the Monday morning devotional, or burial. I don't know the details of this, but someone here told me the people accompany the family to the graveyard where they put all the flowers around the grave, to say goodbye, to the deceased and the gravesite is dedicated as a resting place until the Day of the Resurrection.)

 All in less than 24 hours since he died!  Incredible!

Yesterday we were back in this branch, where a new branch president was being called.  This is one week later, exactly.  As I sat waiting for Sacrament meeting to start, the widow came in to the chapel and shook each person's hand, hugged every single woman.  She was not crying.  She was strong.  She looked like her regular, beautifully groomed self - not smiling or laughing as much, but there - reaching out to everyone.  Amazing.  Later, during the Sunday School class, she helped with a part of the lesson - which she did with great testimony.  Very strong. Very comforted.

"Sweet is the peace the gospel brings
To seeking minds and true.
With light refulgent on its wings,
It clears the human view."

When she went home, she wasn't alone and won't be alone.  In our part of the Mexico City I know of almost no person who lives alone.  Most homes are filled with several generations of a family.  In her case, her husband's mother had just moved in, plus already living with her were her daughter, son-in-law, and two grand children.  This is the norm here.

She has a lot of support.  No one is left alone really.  Everyone has family of some sort.  Family is very, very important to Mexicans.

She is never alone because she has the Comforter always.  She can go on, with strength in Jesus Christ and his beautiful Plan of Happiness.

 "Its laws and precepts are divine
And show a Father's care.
Transcendent love and mercy shine
In each injunction there."

An insightful experience for me.  I learned a great deal.  I appreciate their value of families, their lack of showiness and pride, their genuineness, kindness, and generosity as well as their warmth and caring.
And I know that....

"Families can be together forever,
Through Heavenly Father's Plan"



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