Abrazos and besos in la Ciudad

We have been in "La Ciudad" for 9 days now.  The most notable custom is the hugs men share with each other and the cheek kisses women share.  We have received a very warm welcome everywhere we have been!  

We both have a giant learning curve about most everyday living skills:  driving,  getting water,  parking the car,  getting gasoline,  buying groceries...even using the washing machine!  

Two "snapshots" I want to share occurred this week. The first- I was in Relief  society and sitting a few seats down for me was an older woman who seriously looked like a noble Lamanite woman. She had the most beautiful face and long hair and she looked like she came out of one of the paintings that we see in the Book of Mormon. To see her there in Relief Society with her cell phone out scrolling down the Relief  Society lesson with all the other sisters in class just seemed surreal. The gospel is true in all ages and all times!

The second Snapshot I want to share is from today.  I am visiting in the Pantitlan Ward, where the bishop had just visited in Relief Society.   As he left, he bent down to lovingly pat  the head of a toddler in the room. I remember just a few weeks ago in my ward in California seeing the bishop do the exact same thing. It reminds me that Disciples of Jesus Christ share similar wonderful loving characteristics. I am so thankful that the gospel is true the world over through all generations!


  1. I am so excited for you! What I have seen of Mexico is both beautiful and sometimes sad. I know you will make a huge difference in the lives of the people there and your own growth will me amazing. I can only hope someday to be able have a similar experience. You and your husband are great people and everyone you come in contact with can feel your love. You are amazing! So happy to be able to follow your mission with you. The gospel is true everywhere and Heavenly Father loves all His people no matter where or how they live. We are certainly rich and spoiled here in the U.S. compared to some places in the world. When I was vacationing in Mexico and staying in elite hotels, as we got out among the Mexico people and saw some of the huts they live in and poverty, I felt such sadness, even guilt. But they are so happy despite what they don't have. Many of them work in the expensive hotels for almost nothing, they ;even discouraged us to tip them, and then they go home to places we wouldn't be caught dead in. It made me so sad and very aware of how much I have and how much I should be willing to share. Bless you two for your willingness and worthiness to serve. Love you. Cant wait to hear/read more. Charlene


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