Did you know that 30% of the missionaries in our mission joined the church as a youth or young adult?  One of our young adult converts is Elder Montoya from Peru.
I like sharing his conversion story because it shows how powerful, yet simple, invitations made by members are!  In his own words - and with his permission - I share his conversion story:

"A friend from my University, who used to live very close to my house, invited me to a missionary activity of her ward.  Even though I didn't understand the purpose of this activity....she promised me free food and games.  The food convinced me, so yes, I went!  

I never knew I could have so much fun on a Friday night in a church.  I was surrounded with wonderful people and they treated me as an old friend.  I felt as I just entered into a huge family.  The games were so much fun.  I hadn't had that kind of fun since I was a kid; I loved it.

The next week, my friend invited me to come to the chapel on Sunday, but...I just moved very far away, very far on the same weekend.  Even then, my friend didn't give us and she introduced me to a friend (member) who lived very close to my new house.  I came to the chapel for the next 5 Sundays and I made a lot of friends.  Finally, my new friends introduced me to the elders.

My parents didn't give me permission to invite the elders to my house to teach me.  They were very "Catholic" (still), so Mormons weren't allowed in our home.  

But I really wanted to learn more, so when my friends found out, they offered to have the lessons at their homes.  So, yes, I received all my lessons in the homes of two friends.

I went through a lot of problems during those days, but I gained a testimony, and that was possible because of the support of my new Mormon friends (and YSA parties too!)  The elders invited me to be baptized.  I wasn't totally sure that was possible, because of my family, but the elders invited me to act with faith.  I did it and I saw a personal miracle.  I was baptized and my whole family was there that day.  It was the best day of my life.

After two years, I received my mission call.  My house was full of my family and my friends, and, of course, my friend - that friend who invited me  to the chapel for the first time. 

 After some tears, I asked her..."Hey...there is something that I really want to ask you...Why me?  Did you really know that I would be baptized?  What was the reason to share the gospel with me?  Did you pray and fast to know?"

She...just answered...
"You are my friend."

That wasn't the answer that I really expected...hahaha.  But, then...I understood...she only needed to know I was her friend.  She didn't need a lot of reasons to share the gospel with me. I was her friend - that's enough.

A simple invitation changed my life forever and now as a missionary, I'm giving my best effort to do the same with the people here in Mexico.

And all because, I had a courageous friend,  who shared a simple invitation...and Food!

Please don't forget Elder Montoya's testimony and how you, too, can fulfill your missionary purpose by making simple invitations to your friends!

**********************************VIVA MEXICO**********************************
One of the most beautiful buildings in Mexico City is the Palace of Fine Arts - Palacios de Belles Artes.  The lobby of the building is all made of carrera marble.  Inside the theater, there is a "curtain" made of nearly a million pieces of Tiffany glass creating a mosaic portraying the two famous local volcanoes:   "Popocatepetl" (active) and "Iztaccihuatl" (inactive).  You have to see it personally to marvel at the iridescence of the glass used.  Here we are pictured, in front of this "glass curtain" with our senior couple, the Carollo's.  They are simply the most wonderful missionaries you can imagine!  We have been so blessed to have them serve here with us in the great Mexico City Southeast Mission!

 If you come to Mexico City, you must attend the "Ballet Folkloric" dance performed two times each week in this venue.  They are truly the very best at their dance form in the world, hands down.  It is an hour and half long, non-stop, display of the history of dance in Mexico from the time of the Aztec's to the present day.  Many states in Mexico have their traditional dances which are showcased here.  (And incidentally - to this day - dancing is part of the Mexican culture - all Mexicans love to dance!)
 All the music accompanying the dancers is performed live by local mariachi musicians.  It is absolutely the best of the best!  You will amazed at the "dueling" harps!  Truly!

 I believe the costumes of the Mexican dancers are some of the most festive, flattering, and elegant.  You will see how the flowing circle skirts of each woman dancing adds the beauty of the dancing itself.

I won't tell you what happens at the end of the show, so if you take my advice and visit someday, you will enjoy it as much as we did!  


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