Every six weeks, we host a Zone Conference for each of our missionaries. In our mission we have 8 zones and we arrange to have 2 or 3 zones come together for a day of special training.  All the missionaries in the assigned zones are to arrive at one of our stake centers at 8:30 AM.  We do three zone conferences each cycle in our mission, 3 days in a row.  They last from 8:30-5:00PM.

 Missionaries from the zones arrive at a stake center by 8:30AM.  Some missionaries get up very early (5:30AM)  and use public transportation arrive on time. They  bring their scriptures and study quietly in the chapel for 30 minutes (while an elder plays very quiet, reverent hymns).  At 9:00 we begin our zone conference with a hymn, this time we sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives".  It was so inspirational!  The President and I were tears by the conclusion of the song!  Singing together with all our missionaries is one of my favorite things!  We have an opening prayer (in English by a Latin missionary who is learning English), our missionary purpose said together in English, and our mission scripture, which we all recite together, which is 3 Nephi 5: 13.

Typically this is followed by the welcoming of any new missionaries in this cycle.  Each new missionary is invited to come forward and introduce himself and bear his testimony.  For those learning Spanish - this is all done in Spanish.  It is humbling and exciting to hear each new missionary share his testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Next the President announces missionaries who are completing their missions in this cycle informs us all that they will be asked to bear their testimonies at the conclusion of the zone conference.

We then start our training, which usually begins with training from the President and me (Sister Mann).  During this conference, which was held during January 2020, the President taught about the Prophet's invitation to all members of the Church to share the message of the Restoration of the Savior's Gospel this year!  This is a very exciting invitation for all us to know about that.  The assistants created a wonderful flyer with the Prophet's invitation to be given out at stake conferences and for each missionary to share with ward members.  

President Mann also taught all about the Doctrine of Christ, focusing on 2 Nephi 31. 13, 15-16.  Truly remarkable scripture passage!

We take a break for what has been a tradition for years in this mission - Costco muffins and chocolate milk!  All the missionaries look forward to this treat at zone conference!

We then take formal mission photos and sing happy birthday in English and Spanish to all the missionaries having birthdays during the cycle.  We end the birthday songs with a popular cheer here in Mexico called "Chiquitibum".  It is very enthusiastic and everybody loves it!

Following this break, I trained on various subjects, including health, safety, learning language,and other things I find important to share with our missionaries.  A missionary usually translates for me and they all do a great job!

We do various other types of training at this point - all lead by the assistants and the zone leaders.  These young leaders train at every zone conference.  They do a great job and are very creative as they lead us to be the best missionaries we can be!  We are so thankful for, and proud of our young mission leaders. This month our young mission leaders trained on using the Book of Mormon Title Page to answer various questions, making commitments, teaching the Gospel simply and effectively,  involving ward members in fellowshipping of those we are teaching and how companion study helps us become Preach My Gospel Missionaries.

We stop for lunch at sometime - and very typically is either pizza with fruit and carrots or hamburgers with a green salad.  It is fun to sit together and share a meal.  It is only once every six weeks that elders and sisters see their former companions and it is joyous!

Later, Elder and Hermana Ramirez, our senior missionary whom we are so grateful for (senior couples are a great, great blessing!), train on topics related to apartments and health.  Thes
e practical trainings help our young missionaries be responsible and self-reliant here and in the future.

Very typically we have a musical number during the conference by one or a group of our missionaries.  We have many talented young people who play the piano and sing.  It is always inspirational and adds to the spirit in our conferences.

At the conclusion of the all the classes/training by our young mission leaders, we gather in the chapel for the testimonies of the missionaries concluding their missions in this cycle.  It is a sweet and tender time.  The President and I know of the growth of each of the elders/sisters and it is an emotional time for us all.   As we have missionaries that come from all over the United States, Mexico and most Central and South American countries -- we know we may not see each other again in this lifetime.  We have worked hard and grown together as a mission family and it is hard to say good-bye.

This conference ended with all standing and singing, very resoundingly, "Ye Elders of Israel" (even the hermanas!).  After our mission, I will miss hearing all the missionaries sing these inspiring hymns all together!

After the prayer, the President greets each missionary personally as he/she departs to his area of labor  We have cherished our time together!

Zone Conferences are wonderful!  We learn and are trained and inspired to do our best work - in the Lord's way - all for His Honor and Glory!


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