
Showing posts from May 13, 2018


Did you know that 30% of the missionaries in our mission joined the church as a youth or young adult?  One of our young adult converts is Elder Montoya from Peru. I like sharing his conversion story because it shows how powerful, yet simple, invitations made by members are!  In his own words - and with his permission - I share his conversion story: "A friend from my University, who used to live very close to my house, invited me to a missionary activity of her ward.  Even though I didn't understand the purpose of this activity....she promised me free food and games.  The food convinced me, so yes, I went!   I never knew I could have so much fun on a Friday night in a church.  I was surrounded with wonderful people and they treated me as an old friend.   I felt as I just entered into a huge family.  The games were so much fun.  I hadn't had that kind of fun since I was a kid; I loved it. The next week, my friend invited me to come to the chapel on Sunday,