Saying Good-Bye...

It has been much harder than I ever imagined to say good-bye!

On Dec. 1st we were called to serve as mission president/wife of a mission.  On Dec. 15th we received a letter assigning us to serve in the Mexico, Mexico City Southeast Mission!  We were excited, thrilled, and nervous all at the same time.

Since that time, we retired, sold our family home of 22 years, sold our cars, and most of our belongings and even gave our cute little dog, Patches to our daughter, Andrea.

And now the time has come to say good-bye and it is much harder than I thought it would be!  Right now, from where I am sitting, three years seems like a long, long time to be gone from friends and family.  How can I possibly say good-bye to my family, my children and grandchildren for three years?  With a little less than a week until we depart, I have found myself crying off and on every day.  Such bitter sweet feelings!   I am excited to serve, and thrilled to meet our missionaries and the good people in Mexico City...but I am having a rough time saying good-bye to all these people I love!


  1. I am sure any missionary can sympathize with those feelings. We will miss you so much, but also know that 3 years will fly by. It will be good to get there and get down to business. Also - what a blessing to have social media, videos etc! You won't miss much :) Love you mom!

  2. You folks will do just great! You will always be in our prayers and we will put your names in the Temple too. What a blessing to serve the Lord on a mission. The number one language in the church now is Spanish. Time will go by fast. We love you both! Keep The Faith! Keep Smiling! Keep Healthy! Keep Serving Others!
    Love, Ray & Rebecca Fullmer

  3. Wishing you all the blessings you deserve. The people of Mexico are in for a treat. You will endear yourselves to them as you have to us. We will pray for you and all your missionaries. You will be so busy you will feel the same way you do now when you have to say good-bye to the people and missionaries of Mexico. Thank you both for your example in so many ways! We love you and send our best wishes for every day of your mission. Love Gary and Kathie Goulding

  4. You both will be wonderful Mission Presidents. You have always had such a positive inspiring spirit about you, I know the three years will go so fast and you will be back home before you know it. With wonderful experiences and memories to treasure for a lifetime. Your family will be right by your side and in your heart the whole time. Good luck, i can't wait to hear about all the wonderful spiritual experiences that you will have. Love you!😀

  5. Your post just tugged on my heart! The people of Mexico and the missionaries you will care for will be so blessed and they in turn will bless your lives! I can only imagine the emotions you are going through right now! I'm sure it will help once you get there and get busy with the work. It is such a bittersweet experience! Hugs and much love to you both as you embark on this adventure! We will look forward to reading all about it on this blog. God speed Presidente and Hermana Mann! ����


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