One of my favorite parts of my calling is talking with a missionary’s companion, while he/she is having his/her interview with the mission president.  I have done a variety of things during our time together:

***If something surfaces they want to talk about or share - this trumps everything!

  1. Always ask about their families - I have a notebook with a page for each missionary with their photo, CCM Date, Trainer, information about their families and note experiences they share with me.
  2. Help Latins memorize the mission purpose in English, and learn to pray in English
  3. Ask them their favorite Book of Mormon scripture, and write their name in my personal Book of Mormon next to that reference.  I have them explain why that scripture is so meaningful to them.
  4. I sometimes ask them to bring photos of their families so I can “get to know them” better.
  5. During one cycle I asked each of them to bring their family history fan chart and stories from their ancestors that we talked about.  This was very interesting!
  6. I frequently bring my scale - most missionaries do not have access to one and nearly everyone wants to know what they weigh.  Plus I want to take good care of their knees, ankles and backs - and gaining weight is hard on these joints.
  7. I assess their grooming and if there is anything they need to improve in (hair too long, spots on their suit/tie, posture, shoes not shined, top shirt button left un-buttoned, this is a good one-on-one time to address it. I look at their socks and give them a small sucker, if they are missionary standard and check to see if their shoes are polished.
  8. I always have the Latins bring their English workbooks and I have a chart to mark the modules they have completed. I encourage them to complete 2 modules each cycle.  We work on the dialogs together. The dialogs are great and several missionaries have told me how the dialogs have given them ideas on how to be more effective missionaries.
  9. Those that are motivated to learn English enjoy speaking English with me during our time together.
  10. I quite regularly have them bring their Area Books and I check to see that they are filling them out completely, with good information to care for these people in teaching.  I always look at the records for converts to see that the lessons are being taught a second time. It is a great way to have them share about their people who are progressing and learn more about how they feel about the people they are teaching.  They also share their feelings of joy in success, and challenges when people do not progress.
  11. I heard a talk from Pres. Eyring about how he was interviewed by a General Authority when he was a young missionary.  This brother asked him to share an experience where he had invited someone to “Come Unto Christ”. How did he feel? How did this person feel?  I ask the missionaries to share a similar experience with me quite frequently, and I love hearing them share the joy they feel, how fulfilling missionary work and how the Gospel has blessed the lives of so many people they work with.
  12. I express my love and appreciation for them individually and thank them for their service.
  13. One November cycle I asked them to tell me three things they were thankful for.  I heard some very heartfelt responses.
  14. Frequently, I follow up with something that was taught in Zone Conference and ask them how they are applying what they learned.
  15.  I really try to be a good listener - an empathetic listener.  I really try to look for the good in them - compliment - love them.
  16. If I don’t understand the Latin missionary, I invite another missionary in to translate for me.
  17. I ask about any health concerns.
  18. I always bring a treat to share with them at the end of our visit.

I am very thankful that I am usually able to go to the interview time with the President as I have found this  to be the very best way to really get to know and love each missionary individually! I have been blessed to share tender moments, tears, trials and testimonies. I love each of our missionaries as my own son or daughter. It is such a privilege to work with with each of these young men and women.



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