On Monday, May 27, 2019, the mission presidents in Mexico City were invited to a dinner hosted by the Area Presidency and their wives.  It was an opportunity meet Elder Holland, feel his love and appreciation for our work here, and chat - including asking questions.  He talked about his nearly two years living in Chile and establishing the Church there.  He said what he learned there, helps with other countries that the Church is now growing in very quickly.  He answered questions about the Church in China, Cuba, Africa and Russia.  He talked about the 100 year history of the church in Mexico and how ideal the slow, steady growth of the Church has been here.  He talked about the goal of developing strong families, disciplined priesthood members and the desire to always have pure doctrine  taught throughout the world.

On Thursday, May 30, 2019 our missionaries had the opportunity of meeting Elder Holland and attending a devotional with him, along with the CDMX South Mission.  What a day to treasure!

That morning Elder Holland had been in Puebla meeting with the two missions there and then traveled two hours to meet with us.

First, we all lined up and readied ourselves for a group photo.  The moment Elder Holland, we all stood reverently with great respect to honor his arrival.  He greeted our group with cheer and enthusiasm before he sat down for the photo.  Then before we left our position for the photo, he said he wanted our meeting to begin now.  We were to walk into the chapel quietly - not talking or laughing, but preparing ourselves to be taught.  He said he wanted to begin our meeting together on a high level and then move higher.He told us that he would greet each missionary personally as they entered the chapel and to tell him their name and where they were from.  (Later we would learn, as he looked each missionary directly in the eyes - this was his interview with them.)

And so, row by row the missionaries shook hands with Elder Holland as they entered the stake center.
He said a kind word to each and every missionary:  "good",  "bueno",  "how are you", "great", "nice to meet you",  "nice smile" - looking each missionary directly in the eyes.  They had been interviewed by an Apostle of the Lord.

One of our missionaries, Elder Belnap played reverent music in the chapel as each pew filled with missionaries.  After all had been greeted the meeting began (15 minutes earlier than expected).  President Mann and President Casillas, from the South Mission both were asked to share their testimonies, there was a beautiful musical number by a choir from the South Mission "Nearer My God to Me", President and Sister Valenzuela (our Area President and wife) each shared remarks and then it was time to hear from Elder Holland. He taught us in a magnificent way, on the following themes:

1.  Be the "angels" that the members think you are.  The members have very high expectations for each missionary; missionaries are honored and highly respected.  We should live up to these expectations.

2.  We should care for  - and never ever damage the image and reputations of the church.  We should live the principles of the Gospel and of our sacred callings as representatives of Jesus Christ.

3.  Like the 12 Apostles, we too are apostles (with a little "a") because we have the same calling:  to preach the marvelous Gospel, to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and to prepare people to receive the ordinances of salvation - beginning with baptism.  Full-time missionaries have this calling for 2 years, Apostles have this calling for the rest of their lives.

4.  We should not live below our privileges as representatives of Jesus Christ.  We are involved in the most important work in the world -- to prepare the people of the world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and to bless individuals and families with the marvelous principles of the Gospel and the ordinances of salvation.

5.  The Restoration of the Gospel and the Gathering of Israel are key signs of the preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

6.  The Book of Mormon is the most important tool to preach of Christ and the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.   He taught us of the importance of taking the Book of Mormon to the world and the light and importance it is in conversion.  He said if we just can get people of interest to read 1 Nephi 1 - and see the pattern there - that the Book of Mormon is about revelation, the heavens are open, God lives and loves you...revelation is for you.

7.  He shared his very strong testimony of the reality of Jesus Christ and the truth and power of the Gospel to bless the people with whom we work.  With the Gospel, we have everything!

These brief points don't actually capture the great love that we felt from Elder Holland, or the Spirit that we felt during this meeting that we were in the presence of a true Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What a blessing for each of us to participate in this wonderful meeting!  We will never forget, sitting at the feet of an Apostle and being taught !

*********************************VIVA MEXICO***********************************

                                          This is a sister missionary, knocking on a "door"!


  1. Thank you for sharing that Lesa. Very nice explanations. I almost missed the missionary knocking on the door. Then I realized you were serious. Wow. I'm sure the people behind that door are humble and wonderful. We think of you both and wish you well in your wonderful work there in Mexico City.


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