December has been a historic month here in the Mexico City Southeast Mission.  The "Master Plan", under the direction of the First Presidency---a plan to strengthen families and the church by realigning boundaries for wards and stakes---was enacted.  (It has been years in the planning, inspiration and now implementation.)  As a result,  two new districts were created within our mission:  Chilmalhuacan and Texcoco.  These districts were created on subsequent Sundays this month.  These Districts, unlike Stakes, are under the direction of the Mission President.  Each district has a district presidency, district auxiliary leaders and  four branches - each with a branch presidency.  District presidents provide much of the leadership, under the direction of the Mission President

So, needless to say, December was a busy and exciting month.

Although it is exciting to be a "stake in embryo", it is still an anxious time for the saints. As the stake president who was losing half his stake to the new district stood to share his testimony, he began to cry at the pulpit.  As is frequently seen here in Mexico,  a mother in the audience quietly reaches into her purse,  gets a length of toilet paper from the roll end she always carries, folds it carefully, hands it to her 6 year old daughter, who quietly walks to the front and hands it to the stake president to wipe his tears.   The President then said,  "I love you".  Everyone could feel it.  Mexicans are warm, generous, loving people...who share their feelings freely.

 With the realignment of boundaries, branch areas are smaller and all have new branch presidents.  One area will now worship in a rented hall, which will be called their "House of Prayer", instead of in a chapel.  But, everyone moves forward with faith, as the church grows here in the southeast part of Mexico City.

President Mann issued all the calls for district presidencies, district auxiliary leaders, and branch presidents. The experience of interviewing each person and extending callings was a special experience for him.  He said the people who were called,  universally expressed love for the Lord and His people.  They shared deep testimonies of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and a desire to serve and build the Kingdom of God.  They desired to bless the members and the non-members with the Gospel.  What a sweet experience!

An Area Seventy (Elder Romay)  is charged with the oversight of district creations and so he, of course, leads these district creation meetings.  I thought it was interesting that before his comments, he turned around and asked a boy and girl,  who were choir members, (ages 8 and 10) to share their testimonies in front of the whole congregation, which they did without reservation---bright, sweet and pure.  So pre-planning...they just went straight to the pulpit and bore their testimonies!  Then his comment after we all heard and felt these testimonies was, "Don't let them get lost."

And then the Seventy's question for all of us was simple but powerful:  "What is my relationship with Jesus Christ in this moment?" 

It was a wonderful and historic meeting with the good saints here in Mexico City Southeast Mission!

Here are the leaders of these new districts and branches:

And President Mann's comments during these meetings not only centered on the truthfulness and power of the Gospel to change people's lives, but the privilege to be part of the ongoing Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! "With faith in every footstep!"   What a thrilling time!

******************************VIVA MEXICO**************************************

Wrapped in clear plastic on the back of that motorcycle is a huge package of raw meat....

All schools have uniforms here.  This is shop with the plaid jumper uniforms for girls numbered at the top, with blouses and other accessories below.  All the children look so darling on their way to school each day.

Mexicans are very handy and creative.  This was a handmade Christmas decoration made by a Sister and she added our name to it on the spot:  Fam(ilia) Mann!

This Sister in Paraiso embroidered this peacock on a dresser scarf, which she sells on the street, along with candy each day.

These are the two famous volcanoes, pictured here on a rare, crystal-clear day.  On the left is Itzel and on the right is Popo. (They have longer names but I have never learned to pronounce them!)  Popo is live and at times you can see gases coming out of the top.  Popo also still erupts infrequently.  You should look up their legendary story online.  They are the most outstanding landmarks in all of Mexico City.

Just rolling down the highway - 3 big pigs in the back of this Nissan.

And in the back of this truck, are black plastic bins overflowing with chicken, heading to little fresh chicken stores all over town - you can still see their feet attached.  They eat the feet (all but the bones) here.  



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