Today my husband had other meetings to attend to without me, so I attended one of the wards in our mission by myself.  I have chosen not to drive long distances in our mission, because driving and traffic is very difficult here and Uber/taxis are pretty cheap.  So I just call an Uber and take the 45 minute ride to one of the closest chapels on days like this.

Today I attended in the Oriental Stake, Fovissste (yes, there are 3 s's) Ward.  We have now served here for 9 months so I am beginning to recognize a few people in each of the 55 wards/branches in our mission, which is so nice.  Plus, I always know the missionaries in each ward, which is great!

In each meeting I didn't understand a lot, but appreciated the fellowship and Spirit.  As far as understanding what is said - I get about 80% of what an American says speaking Spanish and maybe 30% of what Latin Americans say in Spanish.  Of course, singing the hymns is one of my favorite parts of any meeting because Spanish congregations love to sing.  Maybe about 30% of the congregations have someone that can play the piano, but, nonetheless they usually sing all the verses of the song with enthusiasm.

In Relief Society, the 17 sisters in attendance sat in a big circle (does everyone do that now?).  It was nice!  During the discussion, it was clear that one young adult sister in attendance was new to the ward.  So, the woman conducting the meeting suggested we all go around the circle and introduce ourselves so she could get to know us all, and then at the conclusion we would all give each sister an "abrazo" (big hug).

So around the circle we went with our introductions and...shared sisterhood.   I could understand very little of what was said, but what I felt...was an outpouring of love.  One sister tearfully said, "I am inactive....." and I didn't understand the rest, but it was heartfelt.  One sister started to cry, and another sister across the circle took tissue paper out of her purse (most Mexican women carry the the end of the roll of toilet paper in their purses) walked across the circle, giving it to her.  When it was my turn, I also told them that I only could  attend heir ward occasionally,  but I thanked them for their  warm welcome.  I also thanked them for all they do care for, feed, and support our 140 missionaries.  They are "mama's" to them and I appreciate all they do!  They are simply wonderful!

And then the magic happened right there in that room!  Each of us stood and individually hugged (and I mean really hugged) and expressed love, one to another.  Loving embraces, hearts touching, kissing cheeks, sincere expressions of love...one by one by one by one!   What love, sisterhood,  acceptance and joy!   It was truly, truly, a feeling of charity - unconditional love - as the Savior loves - among that little sisterhood of saints!

Remember:  in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, no matter where you live, you will always have sisters.
These are my sisters in the Fovissste Ward in Mexico City.  I love them!

"As I have loved you, love one another.  By this shall men know, ye are my disciples, 
if ye have love one to another."


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