It is always concerning when the President's phone rings at 5:30AM.  This time it was Elder Crandall on the phone saying his companion Elder Rivera had been enduring a host of stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting since 2AM.  I grabbed our "Manual de Salud" (a fabulous health manual created by the LDS Mexico Mission Doctor listing symptoms, home treatment and "When to call your Mission President or Wife" for ailments common to missionaries.)  President and I were both on the phone with Elder Crandall as he described everything that had been going on, then proceeded to ask him more questions. (By the way, these elders had only been companions one week.)

After hearing all the responses, we both thought it was appendicitis and it was time to get him to the hospital.  They live about 45 minutes away from where we live.  (None of our missionaries have cars...they use public transportation or walk.)  So, we ordered an Uber to pick them up - quick.  "Take what you need for a day or two and bring your insurance card.  We'll order an Uber right now!", we told them.  (I am SO thankful for Uber!)

They were taken to the hospital and Elder Rivera was evaluated.  Elder Crandall called to tell us the doctor suspected appendicitis but they were going to run more tests to ensure that it was.  A couple hours later Elder Crandall called to confirm it was appendicitis and that he needed to be operated on very soon.  In my heart, I was so thankful Elder Crandall was there with Elder Rivera - he is not only caring and responsible, but he holds the priesthood and was able to give Elder Rivera a priesthood blessing before going into surgery.  Elder Rivera had never had a surgery before, and he was nervous but we knew he was in good hands medically and had his companion, and priesthood holder, right there by his side.

A few hours later we received the call from Elder Crandall that all went very well.  The appendix had not burst (thank goodness!) but it was really infected and did indeed need to be removed immediately.  What a blessing that all things worked together for the good of Elder Rivera.  We were so thankful!

That was 5 days ago.

Today it just so happened that out of all the wards and branches in our mission (55) I attended the branch meetings of these two elders.  They both gave wonderful talks in sacrament meeting on the topic of "How I gained my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."  It was a wonderful meeting and I had a thankful heart watching these two elders share such sweet talks, knowing what they had just been through this week.

When I went into Relief Society to meet with all the sisters from the ward, I had a very distinct impression that I should somehow thank the sisters in this ward for the support of the missionaries, specifically to thank them for inviting them into their homes every Tuesday-Sunday to feed them the one large meal of the day, "comida".   (I rarely offer comments during meetings because my vocabulary is still pretty limited.)  It was just then that, during the announcements, the President was explaining how one of the elders had surgery during the week and asked all the sisters to prepare "comida" that was not "pica" (spicey) or fatty.  They were about to move on to another topic and I knew I needed share my thanks.  I was trying to think of how to say it in Spanish...what words I knew to express it..."Quiero decir gracias..." was all I could say (which I think means "I want to say thanks...") before I started to cry.

My heart was full of gratitude for these women, my sisters in the gospel, who were taking such good care of our missionaries - that feel like my own sons and daughters now.  The sister next to me reached over and patted me on the back and several sisters said something like "of course, it is our privilege" and the President went on to share (if I understood correctly) that the same thing had happened to her son when he served his mission in Oaxaca and how the sisters there took good care of her son.  It was a sweet moment!

I just sat there amazed at the Lord's plan and care for his missionaries throughout the world.  I thought of any missionary anywhere in the world that has the gospel, the Spirit, access to priesthood power, a companion, mission president and wife, and an immediate ward or branch family to care for him/her.  What blessings!  The Lord loves His missionaries.

The Relief Society sisters went on to their lesson which gave me an insight into the hearts and souls of these sisters:  "Fear Not to Do Good" by President Henry B. Eyring from the October 2017 General Conference of the Church.  (These sister saints don't fear,  but rather, seek out opportunities to "do good"!)

  And here they are: these are the "mama's who are caring for Elder Rivera and Elder Crandall, but truly represent the Relief Society "mama's" all over the world who have cared for my own missionary sons and daughters and who will always care for all missionary sons and daughters as well.  Sweet blessings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!

*********************************VIVA MEXICO********************************

Mexicans love music, they love to dance AND they are great dancers!  We recently were invited to attend the Oriental Stake Valentine's dinner/dance.  After dinner, they first asked a few couples to share their "tips" for a happy marriage  (friendship, patience, communication, prayer) --- which was very nice.

 Then the music was turned up, the lights were turned down,  the fog machine was turned on, the disco ball began to spin and couples were up and on the dance floor immediately.  I would describe their dancing as a Latin Swing (we tried to imitate it, but we decided we needed lessons first.)  Everyone was dancing and dancing and dancing!  The ladies' skirts were swirling and the guys had big smiles.  They don't just dance for a little while either --- we had to leave about 9:30,  but I heard it went on quite a long time.  What joy!  What enthusiasm! I think dancing is a perfect way to celebrate life and love!


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