Zone Conference June 2018
 Paraiso Zone
 Los Reyes Zone
 Ixtapaluca Zone
 Pantitlan Zone
 Nezahaulcoyotl Zone
 Oriental Zone

La Perla Zone 

Every six weeks I have the opportunity of talking to each missionary individually as his/her companion is having an interview with President Mann.  We talk about their health, their investigators and for those who are learning English, we work on their language skills.  Some months I have a certain question I ask each missionary.  This month I talked to each missionary about whom they considered to be important men in their lives, and what they had learned from their examples.  Many told me immediately that their father had been their role model.  I was surprised at how many said their grandfathers were a very important example to them. Brothers and brother-in-laws were mentioned many times...and I was glad to hear over and over again of so many priesthood leaders in the church being their role models.  Many said, of course, Jesus Christ.

And what did they tell me they learned?

From their fathers:
Sacrifices for the family, working hard, selfless
Serves others, responsible, compassionate, church service
Counsels me, teaches me, helps me when I make mistakes, discussions emphasizing his expectations
He is where he is supposed to be, doing what he is supposed to be doing.
Just doesn't talk about blessings of the gospel, he shows me the gospel blessings in his life.
Make decisions and follows through.
He taught me to be honest.  Keeps his promises.
He shows me how much he loves my Mom.
Be obedient.
Sets high goals, completes them and sets higher goals.
Encouraged me to read the Book of Mormon, and counsels me using the Book of Mormon.
Really good work ethic - I had to work to earn the money and buy the things I wanted (high school).
If you don't keep your word, you can't be trusted and you have nothing.
I love my Dad!
My Dad misses me!
He has great "Dad skills" - he can fix anything.
Loves all people unconditionally - "walks with them" to help them change and improve.
Very charitable  and generous with others who are in need.
Writes a personal letter to each child on his birthday.
(A couple of missionaries said with affection..."I love my Dad!")

From their grandfathers:
He is proud of me and always encouraged me to "climb higher".
Diligence, enjoy working hard.
Be better than me.
Even through tremendous difficulties, never ever let go of the gospel.
Always shared his testimony - shared the gospel with everyone.
Really cared about people - always stopped to visit them.
Stepped in to help the family, when Dad left - amazing at everything he does.
Has an "Over 8 Club" for the grandkids - meetings with them and, special outings, some church related, with Grandma and Grandpa.
He is an example of of self-sufficiency.

From Brothers, Brother-in-laws, cousins:
How to get along well with everyone in the family
Great example
My best friend.  We protect each other.
Habit of reading scriptures, praying, following the Spirit, setting goals, not being swayed by
   negative peer pressure.
Blessings of obedience
Took time to play with me as a child

From their Bishops, YM Leaders, Stake and Mission Presidents, Prophet:
Patient - took me aside to teach me lovingly.
If you find yourself in a bad situation you need to get out of, call me!
Taught me about the mission and the importance of obedience.
Really cared about me.  Be positive about the future, happy, cheerful.
Took me home teaching and taught me, was interested in me.
Invited me to attend Institute, gave me rides to class, and writes me now on my mission.
He is a "best friend" to me - dedicated to his calling.
Focused on helping others.
Taught me not to be afraid to be excellent.
Really feel the Spirit when I am talking with him, smiled, helped people.
Gave spiritual lessons and I could tell he really cared about me.
On mutual night, we went out together to "rescue" other quorum members.  This gave me
   the desire to serve a mission.
I could tell he really loved his family - sometimes when he had had a busy week, he would take us to      his house and we would all play with his kids.
Taught me what it means to be a man, and to respect others.
Gave me a ride to seminary every day and to the temple once a week to perform baptisms.
Be diligent and obedient and work to develop a strong character so you can contribute and help others.
I know he is inspired to revelation for those in his stewardship.

Teacher at School:  He was a good leader - he was direct with me in telling me what I needed to do to improve.  He pushed me to do better and to work harder.  He was a good servant/leader.

From a companion in the mission:
He taught me everything.  Now I know how to work and how to teach others the Gospel.

From God and Jesus Christ:
I am never alone.  God is love.   He protects us. He is is my best example.  He is my strength.
I learn to be charitable from Him.  Jesus has given us everything - everything.  I want to always be a worthy priesthood holder, so I am always prepared to do His work here on earth.


So, as I reflect on all I learned from their responses, first, I want to say a sincere "thank-you" to all the wonderful men in the lives of our missionaries.  I can see how closely young people are watching all the people around them.  I can also see that within the "church family" each missionary has many opportunities to have wonderful important men who can love, teach, guide and be good examples to the young people they associate with.  What blessings in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

********************************VIVA MEXICO************************************
 Elders really do like cooking....and eating what they cook!  They are super happy and helpful!
 This photo is in the hills of Izcalli - where there are no addresses...and some of the roads are primitive.  But there is no lack of loving care for each of the God's Children there...our missionaries serve with valor!
 Flesh flowers are grown close by and they are gorgeous.  They are sold everywhere and are not expensive.  This pick up truck that was in front of us was loaded with long stem roses in many colors.  Each round bundle had about 10 dozen roses.

This is a fun story.  This father had made slip covers for his furniture.  One of our missionaries, Elder Mendez said to him, "I like this fabric!  I would wear a tie made out of this fabric".  So this brother, got to work and started making neck ties by hand.  They are lovely and very well-made.  He sells them at a very reasonable price and now President Mann and many of our missionaries wear some of his handiwork as well.


  1. Love this post Mom - great to get a glimpse into your conversations with the Elders and Sisters during interviews :]


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