One of our fabulous missionaries is Elder Osorio from Puebla, Mexico.  He is as energetic as they come...most have to run to keep up with him.  He is always cheerful, friendly and positive. But when he talks about his family, particularly his Grandfather, Marcelino Osorio Perez, he speaks in a reverent tone.  His Grandpa has always been a source of great inspiration to him.  (I will refer to him as Grandpa Osorio.)

Grandpa Osorio was born and raised Catholic.  He had a good friend who knew how to drive a car - who happened to also be a member of the Church.  He asked this friend to teach him to drive, which he did, as well as sharing the Gospel with him.  Grandpa Osorio read the Book of Mormon, became converted and was baptized.  He became a pioneer of the Church in Puebla.  He served faithfully in the church for years and raised a large family who are all members of the Church.  Eventually he was called to serve as their stake's Patriarch, where he served for 40 years.  Besides being a faithful gospel servant, Elder Osorio described him as loving, strong, patient and friendly.

 Some years ago, Elder Bednar visited their stake in Puebla, and he was pleased to be able to present him with the gift of a photo of one of the area's most notable landmarks:  the active volcano Popocatepetl.
 About a year into his mission, Elder Osorio's grandfather knew he was about to die. The family asked for and received permission for Grandpa Osorio to call Elder Osorio and talk to him on the phone before he died - which he did on a Wednesday.  The following Sunday, Grandpa Osorio went to church, partook of the sacrament, and then passed away that afternoon at the age of 85.  He endured to the end as a very faithful Disciple of Jesus Christ.  (Pictured above is Elder Osorio before his mission, his father, his grandfather and his younger brother.)

 When it was time to share some of Grandpa Osorio's personal belongings, the family decided that since Elder Osorio was the the one grandson currently serving as a full-time missionary, Grandpa's beloved, and well-worn scriptures should be sent to him as a gift.   When we received them, he was honored - what a precious gift!  Inside these scriptures were many, personal notes, observations and bits of wisdom written in the margins.  In addition, little slips of paper with Grandpa's writings were tucked inside - each with another personal thought. What an amazing gift! 

Elder Osorio remembered how much his Grandfather studied his scriptures and was o thankful for the example of his Grandpa, as a disciple of Jesus Christ.  But he wondered to himself, "What should I do with Grandpa's scriptures?"  He knelt to pray, asking Heavenly Father how he should now use this set of scriptures.  After praying he immediately got up from his prayer, opened his scriptures and found he had turned to Alma 63:13:  "Nevertheless, these things were to be kept sacred, and handed down from one generation to another;  therefore, in this year, they had been conferred upon Helaman, before the death of Shiblon".

These verses are the remarkable answer to Elder Osorios's fervent prayer.  He knew he should keep sacred, and hand down these scriptures, as well as stories of the remarkable life and example of his own Grandpa to further generations, that all may be uplifted and inspired by him, as he himself is.   In essence - "Remember Me as a Disciple of Jesus Christ".
It does give me pause to wonder, what precious things will you and I hand down to our family members?  One of my most treasured possessions is the temple apron that belonged to my grandmother - which was saved for my mother.  When my mother passed away, it was given to me.  I love using it in the temple - knowing my hands gently touch the same cloth, just as my grandmother and mother did before. 

And just to think about....
What has been passed down to you from a relative that you treasure?  What would you pass down to your children and grandchildren that represents what is important to you?

****************************VIVA MEXICO****************************************
These are a few of the reasons we feel so very blessed to be missionaries here in the Great Mexico City Southeast Mission!


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