I thought I'd end the year by posting some pictures that seem to say "Viva Mexico".  I don't want to forget these sights and thought others might find it interesting too!
Before a baptism service, this group gathered to make chocolate covered marshmallows as a treat for everyone at the baptism.  Mexicans love marshmallows: they come in every color and shape!
 This is the La Perla Stake Relief Society Homemaking  Display Day.  Each ward set up a table with all the foods and crafts they had learned to make during the past year.  They focused on economical foods made with soy and crafts they made from items they would normally discard - - they made everything possible from soda bottles you can imagine.  They had set a price of $80 pesos ($4.00) or less for heir craft items.  After we all walked around and looked at each display, they called on me, impromptu, to give the closing prayer and blessing on the food. (Good thing I was listening!)  Then everyone ate and visited.  It was great!  Food is always a big part of every church event, truly!  And it is usually very tasty!

 Missionaries don't need to do this, but many do cover their agendas with pictures from the Liahona so the can use it as a quick teaching tool in the street.
Mexicans always have access to delicious produce, fresh, every day.  You see many trucks like this one, usually loaded very heavy, going down the freeways and city streets every morning.  This produce makes it to street markets and local eateries every day.  The produce here is so yummy!

This is the Paraiso Stake Young Women in Excellence Program.  Every ward set up a display of all the things they had made during the year - including food, of course!  We wandered around and tallked to the girls, while all the time classical music was playing in the background.  The Young Women's program is so positive and inspired.  All the YW were so friendly and anxious to share their talents.

I believe every family must have at least one pinata at Christmas time.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we saw trucks and bikes piled high with every kind of pinata.  

This photo does not do it justice.  This pinata, hanging from a tree in a 
neighborhood street was huge!
Yes, those are all pinatas, probably going to a street market!

This recipe would make your Grandma (and my Grandma Bessie) proud.  One ward we attended during December had a special "invite your friend" to Sacrament Meeting.  At the conclusion of the meeting, they served food so everyone could visit.  This ward made "Ensalada de Trigo", which is basically cooked wheat kernels in a sweet creamy sauce.  It was very good!

Mexican babies are adorable.  Their big brown eyes shine!  The little girl on the left had a crocheted hat that looked like pig tails and curly bangs.  Children are treasured here.

Speaking of food...and cooking together.  When the Valenzuelas toured our mission and stayed in our home for several days...we invited the neighboring mission president's wife, Hermana Mecham over to cook!  Hermana Valenzuela taught us how to make a traditional flan.  I am sure that worldwide, cooking together in the kitchen is a bonding experience!



  1. Hello President and Sister Mann,

    Greetings from your Visalia 6th Ward family. We know this has been quite a year of change for you both. Retiring from Kaweah Delta District Hospital and selling everything to serve the Lord sets quite an example for us all. Having witnessed that and experiencing that along side with you has been a tremendous blessing for us too.

    We do miss you very much! I miss seeing you both racing down the street as you were always dressed to go to a meeting to serve someone or a group of people who needed your service. I remember Lindsay always driving by honking his horn to say hello or actually stopping to visit for a few minutes with me personally. That was very Christlike to be my friend. I will always cherish those moments. We still picture you as our neighbors just a little further down the road.

    Sister Ruiz and I have been called to serve as CSM (Church Service Missionaries) in behalf of Pathway Connect Worldwide associated with Brigham Young University in Idaho. We represent three Stakes in Visalia, Hanford, and Porterville. We started our mission on June 1, 2017 and we will be released on August 31, 2019. It's so different wearing name tags and referring to each other as Elder and Sister Ruiz.

    Beginning on January 7th, Sister Ruiz and I will travel to visit 22 Wards in three Stakes through the beginning of June. We will also be responsible for leading Firesides and speaking on 5th Sundays in various wards as needed.

    We know how important self-reliance is to everyone around the world. We know this program is inspired of the Lord to help lift people to higher levels of accomplishment to provide for thier families and bless them for generations to come.

    Our friend, Warren Gubler is doing a fine job as the Mayor of Visalia and is also running for California Assembly and from news sources is a leading candidate in 2018.

    Our Visalia 6th Ward continues to change members with so many move-in and move-outs. The YSA Branch is moving into our building and will now allow members from all three Stakes to attend services at 1:00 p.m. starting January 7th.

    Congratulations on completing your first 6-months in the mission field. Thank you for sharing all your pictures and photo captions so we can get a feel of what your mission is like.

    May the Lord bless you in Mexico City. Know that we think of you often. It's strange to walk around Sunset Park and see your home with new people living there. It's strange not to see you around in the so many places we would see you often. You can't take seeing people for granted like they will always be there. You have to cherish those moments with people and realize it's all for brief moments in life.

    We will stay in touch from time-to-time as we continue in our full-time jobs and serve as part-time missionaries. We are extremely busy caring for our students and finding new ones continually. Our next deadline to enroll new students is mid-August.

    God be with you until we meet again.

    Love your friends and neighbor,
    Elder & Sister Ruiz

    1. Paul! It was so nice to receive your newsy letter! We are very excited for your new calling with Pathway. The missionaries here are all aware of what a wonderful resource Pathway is. Bless you in your good work as missionaries!

      We miss all of our neighbors in Visalia and are interested in updates in each family's lives. Thank you for the updates.

      It has been quite a whirlwind for us - so much change is such a short period of time. We are doing well here - let me assure there are no boring days. We pray continually for the Spirit to lead and guide us. The Spirit is our number one tool - and Google Maps is our second!

      All the best to you and Laurie!



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