This is our wonderful Elder Palacios!  He is one of the 30% of our missionaries that are converts to the church.  At our last zone conference he shared his conversion story - which I will always think of as "Galletas" (Cookies).

When Elder Palacios was 14 he lived next door to a store called "OXXO" (very similar to a 7-11).   He loved cookies (galletas) and went to this store to buy them anytime he had a craving (even at 1AM or 3AM!).   The clerk, Joel, a returned missionary, took an interest in and developed a friendship with Elder Palacios.   As they got acquainted Joel began to talk to him about the church and eventually invited him to come to Sacrament Meeting.

The next Sunday, Joel knocked on his door at 8:45 AM ready to take him to Sacrament meeting - but Elder Palacio was asleep and would not wake up and go to church.  This same Sunday routine, went on for at least 5 or more Sundays, still he wouldn't get up and go.  Joel, who was the young men's president in his branch, didn't give up.  He invited Elder Palacios to a multi-stake youth conference, which he agreed to attend.

At the youth conference, Elder Palacios made new friends, learned to pray and had a lot of spiritual impressions.  He determined to go to church the very next Sunday.

Sunday came, and Joel arrived at his door at 8:45 AM, but Elder Palacios was asleep.  This time, however, he told Joel - "I'll be there in 10 minutes" (the chapel is very close) - and he was!  He showed up on time - in "strange" clothes, but he was well received by the branch, attended all three meetings and loved it! He was ready to learn more and meet the missionaries.

The sister missionaries for his branch lived a 45 minute bus ride away, but they came to his home to teach him.  Accompanied each time by Joel, he learned about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He remembers really relating to another 14 year old boy - Joseph Smith.

He was a golden investigator:  he listened, prayed, kept his commitments, took notes, had questions and marked in his own copy of the Book of Mormon.  Every discussion was held in his home, but his family was never there.  Yes, he wanted to be baptized.  Joel, the missionaries and Elder Palacios were all worried about him receiving permission to be baptized.  (However, little miracles do happen!)  At the end of one of the discussions as Joel was walking the sister missionaries to the bus stop, they passed by the OXXO store, and Elder Palacios' mom just happened (coincidence?) to be passing by as well.  The missionaries asked her if Elder Palacios could be baptized and obtained her permission and signature with no problem!

Elder Palacios was baptized by Joel on October 8, 2011.  It was one of the best days of his life!

(And one of the sister missionaries told him..."You will eat in my home one day!")

His branch loved and supported him.  He made friends with two other young men from the branch that attended his same school.  They had lots of opportunities for missionary work.  He took his scriptures to school and read them during breaks sometimes and classmates asked, "What are you doing?"  He attended seminary each morning and wore a bracelet that said "I love seminary".  Of course, he got questions about that too.  He and his friends invited one of their teachers to learn more about the Gospel.

Joel's family was super supportive as well.  They invited him over for FHE for months.  Some times Elder Palacios showed up expecting FHE, and the family would have to quickly gather and have FHE!

And what happened to the sister missionaries that taught him?  Amazingly, they both married and live in the mission now:  Hermana Luna lives in the Tepalcates Ward, and Hermana Espinoza lives in the Chapingo Ward.  And just as she predicted years before, Hermana Luna had Elder Palacios, and three other missionaries over for lunch in her home!  What a joyful reunion!

Doctrine & Covenants 18: 10, 15
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;...And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!"

***********************************VIVA MEXICO*****************************

Fruit and vegetables are delivered fresh everyday all over town - from markets, to street fairs, to little fruit stands.  Even very, very small corner stores have fresh tomatoes, onions, avocados and bananas.  They are inexpensive, very fresh and flavorful.

Not sure you can see them all - but there are 5 chihuahuas on this roof.  There are a lot of dogs everywhere in Mexico City.  Chihuahuas are very common.


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